About Us

Traffic buying and selling is a multi billion dollar industry. Advertisers put their monies to get genuine visitors, engagements, leads, sales and increase their brand value. Sadly, that's not , what happens. Bot Networks, Spam Networks, AdWares, MalWares get into a make believe game and suck away the monies.

At Botman, we believe, this is unacceptable and we decided to fix it.  Our solutions give maximum control to the traffic buyers and enable them to filter what they don't need. As a result, they see a higher engagement rate, genuine conversions, and increased RoAS.

Till date, we have filtered over 50 Billion suspect clicks across direct buy advertisers and platforms, identified frauds like piracy downloads, malware fraud, and botnet frauds.

Botman is a value SaaS business. We are committed to building our business capital efficiently. See here for more of Value SaaS manifesto.

Over 10 years experience

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