By using these settings, you can filter out clicks actively. By filtration, the clicks will get dropped.
- Go to “Filter Section on Remote Feed”
- Select the Click Scoring System as Botman from the dropdown
- For active filtration, “check” Firewall Mode.
- To filter out unscored clicks, “check” Filter out Unscored Clicks
- Filter site is optional and you can choose to run without a filter site.

- Choose the Prebid Scoring System as Botman
- Set the TQ Level as per the traffic quality section
- Choose to filter out unscored clicks. This is optional but recommended.

Fine Grain Control
These settings give you powerful granular control on what you want to allow and what you don’t. For the TQ settings you enable in the AdKernel panel, you can further define what threats in that specific TQ setting you want to enable and which ones , you want to disable.
AdKernel and Botman mapping
High TQ maps to Non-Human, Spam and Proxy
Mid TQ maps to Spam and Proxy
If you have set High TQ settings in AdKernel, you want to stop Non-Human , Spam and Proxy Traffic. For every category of traffic, there are multiple threat sub categories, which you can regulate. You can start or stop a trap to counter that threat.
High TQ Setting in AdKernel and stop Data Center, Emulators, OffScreen, Non-Clickable Ads.
High TQ Setting in AdKernel and stop Adult, Torrent and Spam Domain Traffic.